Our 10 principles of 21st century learning

Incorporating widely held views on 21st century learning, Game2Learn education products are based on our 10 core principles*. These principles are based on extensive research and experience.

At Game2Learn we believe that 21st century learning:

  1. Uses technology as a learning tool… not as a learning system in itself
  2. Encourages experimental learning that is engaging and self-directed
  3. Provides multiple opportunities to practise skills in a risk free environment
  4. Should foster collaboration, enhance communication skills and create a strong foundation for lifelong learning
  5. Incorporates swift feedback that encourages self-reflection
  6. Should foster the development critical thinking and reasoning skills
  7. Supports creativity, active problem solving and decision making as a learning strategy
  8. Acknowledges and builds on a learner’s existing knowledge of the topic
  9. Supports the learner in appropriate ways until they reach mastery
  10. Presents specific concepts in different contexts to enhance understanding.

(* Our core principles are not presented in any order of preference or importance. They are all  important and relevant.)  Copyright Game2Learn P/L 2011. All rights reserved.

Featured Product

Math Foundations

Game2LearnMath Foundations with Q&A is based on early learning principles and designed to foster independent learning skills. Math Foundations with Q&A helps children develop a sound understanding of:

• Grouping
• Shapes
• Measuring
• Telling time
• Ordering

Designed to also support the Foundation Year of the Australian and State Curricula and 21st century digital learning principles, Math Foundations with Q&A includes more than 340 interactive learning objects across the Learn, Play and Check sections.